A system for all purposes
Find out with the help of the following examples the possibilities offered by our Objet-Manager:
These are examples of the flexible application possibilities delivered by Object-Manager.
The system was developed with one main purpose: to manage physical objects that could be described using specific attributes (color, size, price, etc.).
Thanks to its integrated maps interface, Object-Manager offers a database service for objects located by geo-coordinates, such as buildings, facilities, roads, bridges, etc.
Store system
The Object-Manager is also suitable for displaying groups of stores. With the example of the store of a video shop chain you can see the potentials of our object manager:
On a Google Map all stores are displayed. With a click on a store all customer-relevant information is displayed. A list on the right frame additionally shows an alphabetic order.
The displayed data are administrated by the Object-Manager in the background and can be edited specifically for one or several stores, like e.g. the opening hours during the holidays.
Specific information about particular stores, like e.g. special sales, can be displayed, too. Further links to call centers for call-back-functions or the integration of online polls for marketing research purposes will be no obstacle.
Colors and designs for websites can be modified and adjusted to the corporate identity of your enterprise.
Parking lots
Parking lot data base Austin – Daimler AG
Using the example of a parking lot management you can see the potentials of our object manager:
For the highly innovative car leasing system car2go a parking lot register for the city of Austin has been provided, which records all parking lots in the city.
On the basis of this information the project team can chose appropriate places which feature applicable characteristics for the leasing system.
The system is exclusively accessible for staff and its maps are not viewed publicly.
Train Station Cadaster
Train Station Cadaster Nord Hesse Transport Consortium
Since mid-July 2009, the Transport Consortium of Nord Hesse (NVV) offers compact information about all train stations in its area to workers and clients at its internet site. Lines serving each station are visible after a few clicks and also other information, such as whether a taxi is available there. The pilot project was developed together by the NVV Infrastructure Department and team red.
The new train stations map is available under:
The train station map of the NVV works as follows: based on a Google Maps’ map, information about all train stations in the NVV area are brought together and made available in a clear way. For that purpose, more than 10.000 photos of 8.000 objects were taken at about 90 stations. They were geo-referenced and registered in the station cadaster database and are available to the Infrastructure Department staff for conducting their daily work.
The practical advantage for the NVV workers is that, through the database, all objects, such as ticket dispensers or bicycle parking spaces, could be checked, worked on and updated using a central web-based database. In addition, statistical functions developed at the database offer an up-to-date overview of many objects.
Also passengers profit from the gathered information. Selected data are available on a Google Maps' map at www.nvv.de. The map shows all the stations and, by clicking on each one, complete detailed information may be checked.
At each station clients get four main kinds of information: (1) the train station location, including a photo and the telephone number of the station's manager; (2) the respective mobility services by train, bus and tram, parking spaces, car-sharing stations and taxi ranks; (3) the station facilities regarding barrier-free accessibility, bicycle parking spaces or ATMs; and (4) access to electronic timetables showing current departures and arrivals at the train station.
"The NVV has succeeded to meet two requirements using a sole system", states Dr. Bodo Schwieger, CEO of team red and manager of the project, which was developed in about ten months. "The staff has an up-to-date overview of all stations facilities and clients are able to get information about services at each station. That represents a service not only for current passengers but also for new clients, such as those travelling for leisure purposes".
The development of the station cadaster is not yet finished since the interactive map is to be completed with further information, for example for tourists and visitors. That’s why the NVV asks users for advice and comments. All users are welcome to give personal tips regarding sights and highlights about "their train station".
Dr. Bodo Schwieger, team red, CEO, +49 (0) 30138986-37
Susanne Henckel, NVV, Infrastructure Manager, +49 (0) 56170949-0
Project number for further inquiries: P138
team red sponsors the Fête de la Musique again
The Object-Manager of team red goes again into action for the Fête de la Musique 2013. Already in 2012 the cities Dresden, Erfurt and Magdeburg used the free offer by team red.
The stage locations are registered in the Object-Manager and displayed in a Google Maps' map for the event visitors. "The Fête de la Musicque is showing us every year how to use space in our cities without blocking them with parked cars. We work on how to make our cities a better place to live in and events like that are a wonderful tool because they bring people together and inspire them", states Dr. Bodo Schwieger, CEO of team red.
"By means of the Object-Manager we are able to make available information about the performances, such as the stage program and accessibility options by bus or train, to internet users and event visitors", adds Alexander von Harnier, Product Manager at team red.
For those who have further interest, here they are the links to the cities involved in 2012:
Magdeburg: http://absolutartist.de/fete/buehnen/
Erfurt: http://www.musiquerfurt.de/2012/stadtplan.html
Contact: Alexander von Harnier and Dr. Bodo Schwieger
Object-Manager: http://www.object-manager.com/
Green Ring – Object Manager
Client: Region of Hannover
Project description: As an extension of the project "The Green Ring: Register, Renovation, Addition and Elimination Signal System Hannover Region", the Object Manager is to be used as a register of the infrastructure.
- Design of the user interfaces, including the Logo Region Hannover
- Display of the Green Ring and its loops in Object Manager
- Insertion of evaluation buttons
- Activation and license
Project number for further inquiries: P259
Green Ring – Register, Renovation, Addition and Elimination Signal System Region Hanover
Client: Region of Hannover
Project description: The Green Ring is a "significant regional green link" that connects several and actually typical landscapes in the Region of Hannover and that contributes to the promotion of the natural and environmental recovery. The Green Ring exists since 1988 and is 160 km long. The 80 km-long basic ring goes across the outskirts of Hannover, where it connects with five other loops, three across the surrounding countryside and two inland. The signal system is of importance and has to be highlighted. Instead of having an orientation system based on classic signals to the final destination, blue painted objects are placed (fences, tree stumps and street lamps).
Services: The project objectives are to elaborate an accurate register of the marking locations, to propose possible renovations of the marking objects in case of deficiencies and to look into the addition of necessary new marking locations.
Project number for further inquiries: P248

team red Deutschland GmbH
Almstadtstr. 7
10119 Berlin
You can contact us daily
from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
by phone: +49 (0)30 138 986 35
or by email: info(at)team-red.net